Toni Powell - Motivational Keynote Speaker

  • Motivational Speaker in Brisbane, QLD

  • Travels Nationwide
  • From $9,000 to $12,000
  • Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Toni Powell is one of the most recognised & enjoyed positive culture/wellbeing communicators in Australia. She’s an international award-winning thought leader, TEDx speaker, author and is wizard at helping people to stop driving themselves crazy with worry and stress.
"At our national conference Toni held the room from start to finish, had us in stitches, had us in tears and most importantly had us thinking about ourselves, each other and what’s truly important in life.” PHILIP HAY – BUSY BEES
Clients include:
Corporate: BHP, Westpac, Allianz, Commbank
Education: Geelong Grammar, Monash University, WA Dept Education,
Also government, conferences, councils and associations


Suzannah's Private Party in North Arm, Sunshine Coast, Nov 2020

Sensational! Such a warm, inspirational storyteller: I’d recommend Toni for any group needing inspiration, a pep talk or guidance on upgrading their Relationships, beliefs and systems to get and stay happy!

More Info

What to Expect

A very happy audience who've been delighted and surprised by the speaker you have chosen.
A visual feast of stunning photos and brilliant short films that create a dance with Toni's exceptional storytelling.
Laughter, tears and some very big 'aha' moments from your audience
A change in how your audience handle stress, anxiety and fear
Big growth in the personal resilience & engagement of your team

Services Offered Set Up Requirements

Toni uses a Mac computer that will need on stage with her. A large TV or data screen is essential to gain full benefit of Toni's beautiful visual presentation
A glass of sparkling mineral water never goes astray.


Workplaces often decide to add on additional 'after workshop' email or online video programs.

Insurance & Permits

FULL Speakers insurance and Apra license for music.