The YWoman - Y Do You Do What You Do

  • Motivational Speaker in Cleveland, QLD

  • Travels Nationwide
  • From $1,500 to $4,500
  • Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

So many people bob around through life, like a cork in the ocean. Unless we truly know our purpose in life, we are wasting this precious existence! Shar Moore's presentations are inspirational, thought-provoking and humorous at times, as she recounts her own personal childhood story, that will leave any audience wanting 'moore'.

Having worked in Asia & the Middle East, Shar has climbed the corporate ladder, been in business for more than 12 years, has gone 'Broke to BMW in 18 months', started her own magazine and won an International Business Award in New York!

You will laugh and cry, but one thing is for sure, you will walk away questioning if you are truly living your Y!


More Info

What to Expect

Your Talk - Your Way. Essentially when you work with Shar Moore, you can pick her brains and select the specific pieces of wisdom that you want your audience to hear. As an intuitive speaker and International Award Winning Business Mentor, Shar can craft a talk to ensure you receive the exact presentation you desire and your audience, leave with the inspiration or tools they require. Everyone wins!

Services Offered Set Up Requirements

Shar does not require any special setup requirements and prefers not to work with a powerpoint presentation. She just needs a stage and an audience.

Insurance & Permits

Shar and her company have Public & Professional Liability Insurance.