The Witch's Deck Psychic Readings and Events

  • Tarot Card Reader in Rivervale, WA

  • Travels up to 100 km
  • From $20 to $500
  • Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

The Witch's Deck offers online readings - tarot, oracle - and either tarot experiences for events OR drag tarot events as the owner is a Drag performer, Ali Oop.
The Witch's Deck is owned by Keiran, a psychic reader with 15 years experience in tarot reading, oracle reading, and spirituality. With a Bachelors in Anthropolgy/Socioliogy and a member of the LGBT+ community, Keiran will help you figure out your place in the world and how to live your truth!


More Info

What to Expect

Online Tarot Readings: A Tarot Reading specifically for you, based on a question or situation you want clarity on. You do not tell me any information about the question or situation prior to the reading, so nothing is altered in anyway. Readings tend to be based on the Cross Spread or Past/Present/Future spreads.

Online Couple Readings: Same as above, but with two people. One tarot reading each and then on conducted together.

Tarot Events: 1.5 Hours for $200 - includes either 10 minute readings or 20 minute readings - depending on how many people are having readings.

Tarot DRAG Event: 1.5 Hours for $280 - includes either 10 minute readings or 20 minute readings with one drag performance.

Services Offered

These are the categories of entertainment or other services offered by The Witch's Deck Psychic Readings and Events.

Set Up Requirements

1 x 1 area for a table and chair to be set up - either inside or outside. For outside readings, require undercover area.

Set List

Nothing, as I bring myself - table, chairs, tarot cards, oracle cards, runes.


1.5 tarot reading event is $200 but 3 hour reading event is $350.
1.5 Tarot REading event is $280 but 3 hour reading event is $500.

Insurance & Permits

Insurance - Duck for Cover Insurance Cover.