The Water Runners

  • Band in Kiama, NSW

  • Travels Nationwide
  • From $400 to $6,000
  • Available on Fri Sat Sun

Based in Kiama, NSW, The Water Runners play a high-energy blend of Australian folk, performing mostly original songs that combine influences from bluegrass, country, traditional folk, and roots. The Water Runners have played festivals, radio, pubs, clubs, and events across Australia. Their story-telling, strong musicianship, clever songwriting, and great stage banter have earned them a reputation for engaging and entertaining shows. Voted best band Australian National Busking Championships 2020 and finalists FAA People's Choice 2021. Best for special or corporate events where listening audiences can connect with the show. Can play in different formats. Not a wedding or party band.


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What to Expect

We have played as far south as Tathra and played Tamworth 2020 and 2022. We especially like playing festivals and to a listening audience. We would like to play corporate gigs that are looking for something authentic and special;truly Australian.
If we have to travel far we would require accommodation and it's likely that our partners would come too. We have a caravan, camp trailer and campervan and so we are not unaccustomed to camping provided we have a toilet and shower. $400 is our minimum fee and it would be for a 45 minute local (Kiama/Gerringong) set with 3 piece. We are not a wedding otr a party band. We play mostly original songs from our 3 albums with a few covers thrown in. We provide quality entertainment that is uplifting and joyful, but we also like to tell stories and pay respect to our First Nations people. We love playing festivals. corporate gigs and house concerts.
Dom Littrich (Inspired Unemployed, Big Twisty) is not always available to play.

Services Offered Set Up Requirements

We would prefer a PA and backline to be provided. We can bring our own system but we would have to be well remunerated for the use of our system and transport..

Insurance & Permits

We are insured with Folk Alliance.