Cover Band in Sandover, NT
- Travels up to 25 km
- Starting from $200
Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
We simply rock the stage! You can imagine how the environment is when you see a band play songs like Purple Haze and Immigrant song. We cover the rock songs that have hit the top of the charts in history. We guarantee headbangs and an awesome time. We do have our originals too and hopefully we will have our EP launched by mid 2017.
More Info
These are the categories of entertainment or other services offered by The Revelation.
- PA system with at least 12 channels
- One guitar amplifier
-Drum Kit
- Rock N' Roll - Led Zeppelin
- Purple Haze - Jimi Hendrix
- Born to be wild - Steppenwolf
- Paranoid - Black Sabbath
- Immigrant Song - Led Zeppelin
- Bulls on Parade - RATM
- Lots More...