The Night of the Muses

  • Wedding or Event Planner in Kalgoorlie - Boulder, WA

  • Travels up to 25 km
  • From $800 to $3,000
  • Available on Fri Sat Sun

Welcome to “The Night Of the Muses."
This project started with the dream of bringing people together by creating cultural, arty farty (of all varieties!) events in Kalgoorlie-Boulder, WA.
The Muse Crew want to bring people together with a bimonthly night out under the stars. A regular opportunity to share music, comedy, poetry, literature, performing arts, back-flips, randomness, errrrr...ummm...anything!
Each act can have up to 10 minutes to share their amazing skills on stage. And stick around for the JAM SESSION to end the night: bring your own 'noise maker,' or use ours! All welcome, let's make some noise and be inspired by all.

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Services Offered

These are the categories of entertainment or other services offered by The Night of the Muses.