Pub Band in Geelong, VIC
- Travels Nationwide
- From $600 to $2,600
Available on Mon Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
4 Piece Original Rock band, covers on request, spanning over 6 studio albums, TSC(The Seasons Change) aren’t slowing down anytime soon. For a exhilarating, energetic show like no other, with that harder edge, TSC is the band for you.
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Loud Rock N Roll. Professional Stage Performance.
These are the categories of entertainment or other services offered by TSC.
P.A. System & Mixer required
Set list varies show to show to clients requests.
Geelong & Metro Melbourne $600 for 2.5hr show.
Outer Melbourne $800 for 2.5hr show
Regional Victoria $1000-$1200 for 2.5hr show
Other states $1500-$2600 for 2.5hr show
Extended set $150 per 30mins or 1.5hrs for $300
Public liability