Sandra Madafferi

  • Inspirational Speaker in Melbourne, VIC

  • Travels Nationwide
  • From $1,500 to $50,000
  • Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Sandra Madafferi is an award winning Investor and entrepreneur. She has been involved and owned multiple businesses in varies industries for over 40 years .
Sandra is very passionate about alternative health and wellness practises after going through some tramatic events in her life that changed her forever.
An Internationally Accreditated Trainer and speaker, inspiring others to take back their lives and live with Intention.
An advocate for alternative health proffessionals having trained and mentored 1000's globally helping them reach more clients and create wealth, thus creating a ripple effect impacting millions and beyond.


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What to Expect

An expert in her field Sandra can tailor a talk around your objectives and goals. As Sandra is a trained speaker and as a true chameleon she is able to speak to various audiences, and connect to their needs, make her a standout in the industry. Sandra has the ability to make every event an experience where the participates all feel heard and seen, leaving them with tips they can implement immediatley for personal and proffessional success.

Services Offered Set Up Requirements

Tv or projector with computer attachment