Keynote Speaker in Sunshine Coast, QLD
- Travels Nationwide
- From $8,000 to $25,000
Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Marty Wilson works with organisations that want resilient people who power through change, stress and disruption. He is a TEDx Speaker and a registered Pharmacist, but he’s also a former Australian Comic of the Year so he balances proven scientific data with laugh out loud stories. This makes his programs incredibly human and instantly relatable to a wide variety of audiences.
He has recently won 3 International Business Awards (Stevies) for his speaking, and is also a sought after MC for corporate events.
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Yes, COVID has been tough. But it's time for us all to move past “coping and moping”, and back to progress, productivity and profitability. Forget “bouncing back” to where we were, let’s roll up our sleeves and use psychologically proven principles of behaviour change to deliberately evolve into something EVEN BETTER.
When our lives are sideswiped by injury or illness, some people curl up in a ball and just "get by". But those who recover well don’t just settle, they take stock then leap into treatments and programs to regain strength, develop new abilities and design a bright new future - often far better than their past.
It's the same in business: Yes, Coronavirus has left us feeling depleted and exhausted. But after two long years we can't keep waiting for "someone else" to wave a magic wand (or vaccination syringe!) and make it all better. We have to take back control, build on the past and create a new way to do business with new skills and a new attitude.
It's time to shrug off the cloak of COVID. Forget resilience, it’s time for restart, relaunch and rejuvenation.
Let’s get your business back to business.
FORWARD FOCUS: Stop pining for a return to the old ways. When you refuse to change you don't hold onto the past you just lose the future.
ACCEPT ADVERSITY: Hard times are part of life, so dive in and grow the grit needed to “do pain well”. If you can't get out of it , then you gotta get into it.
OUTLINE THE OUTCOME: A deep commitment to a powerful vision of where you want to get to will keep your whole team willing to knuckle down through the inevitable ups and downs - You wanna reach the stars you gonna get some scars.
LIFELONG LEARNING: Look back and learn from the ways you bounced back from hardship before. You didn't come this far to ONLY come this far.
EXPECT ERRORS: Any time you EVER do ANYTHING new you do it really, really badly for a while. So we need to be okay with really dumb mistakes. Your first one will be your worst one. And that's okay…
LET GO OF LAST TIME: It’s time to forget how we “used to do” things and design something bigger and better. “Because we’ve always done it that way is no reason to keep doing ANYTHING…"
A dynamic and thought-provoking speaker. His content is thoroughly researched and built upon sharing the lives of many, which sets him apart from all others.
John Paul Pullicino, Global Brands, Pfizer
Marty is the funniest speaker I’ve seen he’s also thought provoking and inspirational, with well-researched content delivered a relatable, human way.
Daniel Parsons, Vice President, VISA
“Other speakers often approach change as a dry, abstract process, Marty teaches from a uniquely empathetic, deeply personal angle and was able to relate very well to our work environment.”
Jane Kittel, GM, Customer Experience, Westpac
Marty Wilson is behaviour change specialist who is a third-generation pharmacist, a TEDx veteran and an “Australian Comedian of the Year.” This unlikely combination makes his programs more than a mere speech, but a memorable event. Marty’s high content programs are full of psychologically proven strategies, generously spiked with humour, that can implemented immediately.
These are the categories of entertainment or other services offered by Resilience & Change Speaker, Marty Wilson.