Paint THAT! Face Painting and Children's Entertainment

  • Face Painter in Chinchilla, QLD

  • Travels up to 50 km
  • From $80 to $120
  • Available on Fri Sat Sun

Our vision at Paint THAT! is to bring happiness and smiles to all!

More Info

Services Offered

These are the categories of entertainment or other services offered by Paint THAT! Face Painting and Children's Entertainment.

Set Up Requirements

- 3x3 Shaded Area (close to a water source, such a tap or bathroom)
- Gazebo can be supplied at additional fee

Set List

- Superheroes (Batman, Superman, Spiderman etc)
- Princesses (e.g. Frozen - Elisa, Snow White, Moana etc)
- Butterfly
- Mermaid
- Spider
- Snake
- A much, much MORE!!

Insurance & Permits

- Working with Children Blue Card
- Business COVID Safe Plan