Nikki Chamberlain

  • Motivational Speaker in Baldivis, WA

  • Travels Nationwide
  • Starting from $400
  • Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

I was in high school I always wondered if it was just me who felt so inferior in my body, my decisions and my confidence. And when I occupied a role as a pastoral care coordinator, I could see the lack of room and time within the curriculum to teach students vital knowledge and skills to help them face this adversity. As a result, I have built the foundations of my workshops upon arming students with practical tools and strategies to lessen the overwhelm, increase their autonomy and skyrocket their confidence. I am so passionate about working with young adults to help them discover their self-worth, so that they become more self-assured, resilient and thriving, both at school and afterward.


More Info

What to Expect

Nikki has a variety of one-day workshops and seminars, as well as longer, repeat-visit programs. They can all be modified to suit the unique culture, context and needs of your school, workplace or event.

This is not simply a talk where attendees sit and listen. It is an interactive experience that arms them with real life tools and strategies they can begin using then and there. I create this experience through a combination of empathy, humour and science.

Services Offered Set Up Requirements

Seating, audio and visual projection. Depending on the size of the audience, a microphone may be required.


Work-Life Balance for Mums
Advocating Healthy Relationships for Teenage Girls
Nurturing a Power Perspective to Build Resilience
Awareness of the Phases of Menstruation and How to Use Them for Success
Building Body Confidence in the World of Social Media
Building Body Confidence
Toxic Positivity
Goal Setting and Effective Habits
Overcoming Limiting Beliefs to Reach Your True Potential