Motivational Speaker

  • Motivational Speaker in Sydney, NSW

  • Travels Nationwide
  • From $4,000 to $10,000
  • Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Glenn Marsden is not just a name; he's a driving force behind one of the world's most impactful Mental Wellbeing Movements - the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign, which to date has impacted over 12 million lives worldwide. At the heart of Glenn's work is a worldwide phenomenon that speaks into the mission of reshaping how society views mental wellbeing. Glenn's efforts extend far beyond mere words; he spearheads international events and summits, featuring the world's most influential public figures from Australia to Hollywood and beyond. As a best-selling author and sought-after speaker, Glenn shines a spotlight on the importance of mental well-being in both student and corporate settings.


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What to Expect

Glenn's compelling stories and strategies for overcoming adversity, transforming challenges into opportunities, and making a global impact leave audiences inspired and empowered. Whether speaking at schools, universities, or corporate events, Glenn captivates listeners with his journey of building an international organisation within 12 months—starting with no experience, no connections, and no knowledge of "how." His story of persistence, resilience, and triumph consistently brings audiences to their feet, leaving them thinking, "If he can do that, what can I achieve?"

Glenn's most requested topics include mental well-being—tailored for both schools and corporate audiences—and corporate wellness, focusing on how individuals are responsible for their personal growth, rewriting their stories, and becoming the best version of themselves while positively impacting others.

Each presentation is customised to the audience, whether it's empowering students to embrace self-love and resilience, motivating teams to foster a healthier workplace, or inspiring individuals to take charge of their personal growth. Glenn's ability to connect with audiences on a deeply relatable level ensures his message resonates long after the talk ends.

With a focus on change, personal growth, resilience, determination, self-talk, and self-love, Glenn delivers unforgettable presentations that ignite inspiration and drive in every individual, regardless of age or setting.

Mental Health and Mental Wellness
Self-belief and Self-improvement
Building Global Connections: Cultivating Relationships for Personal and Professional Growth
From Idea to Impact: The Entrepreneurial Journey of Creating Change
Embracing Imperfection: Redefining Success and Finding Fulfilment in Life and Work
The Intersection of Mental Health and Entrepreneurship: Breaking Stigmas and Building Supportive Communities
Turning Challenges into Opportunities: Harnessing the Power of Positive Thinking in Business and Beyond
Leading with Purpose: Aligning Values with Actions for Meaningful Impact
Navigating Uncertainty: Strategies for Building Confidence and Overcoming Obstacles
Mindful Leadership: Cultivating Compassion and Empathy for Sustainable Success

Services Offered Set Up Requirements

Projector for Presentations

Set List




Insurance & Permits