Mental Health Speaker in Melbourne, VIC
- Travels Nationwide
- From $1,000 to $5,000
Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
From pain to purpose, is Mark's story that outlines how he went from a mentally healthy first responder to being an involuntary patient in a psych hospital (and diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety) and not wanting to live to thriving as a functional member of society, co-founding a registered charity, working full time and being a passionate advocate for positive mental health. He gives hope that recovering from and/or living with mental health conditions such as post traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety is possible. Mark is very raw, open and honest when presenting, its the only way he knows how to be.
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Mark is incredibly positive. Despite what he has been through in his life, including the death of his mother at the age of eight and being hospitalised with mental injuries in 2013, positivity remains an integral part of his life. He is determined not to let these traumas rule his life so you will be getting a passionate, positive, raw, open and honest and real speaker.
These are the categories of entertainment or other services offered by Mark Thomas: from pain to purpose, thriving after PTSD.
A PowerPoint facility is a requirement that Mark would very much like, but it is not integral. Due to Mark's mental injuries, he has issues with concentration, hence the PowerPoint requirement but as indicated, if none available, Mark will adapt.
No songs but topics covered are PTSD, depression, anxiety, recovery, treatment, how Mark stays healthy and other important topics that are integral to remaining healthy.