Liz Fleming The Efficiency Coach - Creating Business Efficiencies

  • Keynote Speaker in Melbourne, VIC

  • Travels Nationwide
  • From $500 to $5,000
  • Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Liz Fleming the Efficiency Coach can speak at your event and facilitate workshops to groups of people, ideally business owners. She is an energetic person, is generous with sharing her efficiency tips for business owners.
Liz shares her real-life tips and hacks, as well as my story of becoming an 'accidental accountant' and now 15 years later, a successful business mentor for small businesses. I've followed my passion and love what I do!
She also loves chatting on podcasts and sharing my efficiency wisdom with audiences. Everyone can benefit from more efficiencies in their lives.
She's available for in-person and online events across Australia.


More Info

What to Expect

An energetic presentation from Liz Fleming The Efficiency Coach.

Services Offered

These are the categories of entertainment or other services offered by Liz Fleming The Efficiency Coach - Creating Business Efficiencies .

Set Up Requirements

I can have a slideshow or just talk with a microphone - pretty simple!

Set List

The range of topics and format can be determined between the event organisers to ensure your audience's needs are met, and its suitable for your event.

Insurance & Permits

I have the necessry insurances.