Live music for every occasion

  • Band in Sydney, NSW

  • Travels up to 50 km
  • From $300 to $750
  • Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Eli Vanunu’s ensemble gives every event and reception a special and impressive atmosphere. The band plays music in a wide variety of styles, such as swing, ballads, bossa nova, Jewish, Israeli, pop and more, and successfully combines them to create a charming, pleasant and inviting atmosphere. The band plays custom-made and special request songs per client needs.
Eli comes in a dynamic ensemble small or large, depending on the budget of the event. From a full ensemble that includes several musicians with/without a singer, to a saxophone alone, the ensemble performs in a rich and varied repertoire.



Rita's Pub or Club Gig in Sydney, Sep 2024

The Jazz Duo played well and entertained our guests 2 weeks ago. Everyone had a great time. Thank you Eli.

More Info

What to Expect

Good music, personal service, lots of understanding and a beautiful event.

Services Offered Set Up Requirements


Set List

Our music is very versatile, we play Pop, Jazz, Latin, Jewish, Rock and custom special invite songs by the client.


Special deals for the winter, until 30.9.2024