• Wedding Services in Launceston, TAS

  • Travels Nationwide
  • Starting from $550
  • Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

I’m Luke, and I love capturing moments. I’m a Tassie (Launceston) boy, but have recently returned from the classic 4 year Melbourne stint. Life so far has taken me on many different career paths, from event management and AV to marketing sales, but photography and videography has remained a passion since well before my teenage years.

I like to capture the photos and videos that take you on a journey, not just a snapshot of the day but a full retelling of your story and its special moments, the emotion, the things that make you, you. Imagery that is great to look at a few weeks after the big day, but also years and years into the future.

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These are the categories of entertainment or other services offered by Little Large.