Leadership & Team Energiser - Speaker & Business Facilitator

  • Business Coach in Sydney, NSW

  • Travels Nationwide
  • From $4,000 to $20,000
  • Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

**9.7/10 CEO Institute! Leona knows what it takes to succeed in both the Corporate & Entrepreneurial worlds, running $50M budgets for Microsoft UK plus her own award-winning Cheeky Food Events for 17 years before selling. She ‘walks the talk’ having lead over 3,000 Workshops, Keynotes, Corporate Leadership & Engagement Sessions.
How many women have:
>Launched & run a world-first, team building company?
>Kayaked with Killer Whales?
>Camped in Antarctica?
>MC’d Master Chef Live?
>Trained in NLP for 20 yrs?
>Run a 1/2 Marathon around Uluru?
>Enticed 300 CEOs to cook a feast together at the one time?
It all starts with Leadership & Team Engagement. Get ready for Master Storytelling!


More Info

What to Expect

A combination of a Keynote with high audience engagement. Often paired with a Workshop, my Sessions are designed and customised for maximum impact and to suit the conference theme and audience challenges.

Services Offered Set Up Requirements

Screen, clicker, lapel or headset

Set List



Let's package this with Speaking, a Workshop and if applicable I can even do a team cooking event with participants. Also as I speak a lot with the CEO Institute, I can also do Executive Team Retreats and in-depth offsites.

Insurance & Permits

Professional Indemnity.