Keynote Speaker

  • Keynote Speaker in Adelaide, SA

  • Travels Nationwide
  • From $7,500 to $25,000
  • Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Arishma Singh is a Keynote Speaker, Author of the book : The Respected Salesperson and a passionate Edupreneur. She is an award-winning top performer, a ‘pocket rocket,’ and a woman to watch, with over 20 years of corporate experience working with such major brands as Nielsen Media, American Express, Google Australia, Pivot Software, and Experian Australia, After numerous health setbacks, Singh’s journey into mind-body solutions led her to EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). A globally certified and accredited EFT practitioner, she leveraged EFT to develop her own methodology, THRIVE, to enable high performers to achieve sustainable success without compromising their wellbeing.


More Info

What to Expect

Keynote Topics:
Harness the power of your mind using a fusion of modern science and ancient wisdom. Neuroscience research teaches us that our brain is plastic and therefore malleable, yet most of us still haven’t gained control of our minds. Instead, we get caught up in the same recycled negative thoughts, patterns and behaviours. COVID has further highlighted this harsh reality, leaving many of us looking for a coping mechanism that is simple, accessible and effective.
Arishma’s unique perspective blends the ancient learnings from a childhood steeped in tradition with the advances of modern science. The ‘secret sauce’ she shares is based on her own experience with a major health setback and a unique journey to recovery. Mind Your Mind will help audiences understand how to keep their mental wellbeing intact and thrive despite the hurdles life throws at us.
“You cannot be creative, when your amygdala is in hijack” – Arishma Singh

How to change your mind, before you change minds
For far too long, the identity of the salesperson has been stereotyped into extremes like the ‘Wolf of Wall Street’ or quotes like “Show me the money!” This old fashioned notion of the sales industry has created an imbalance in the relationship between the client and the salesperson. Salespeople are expected to give respect but not command respect from others. The resulting waste of time and energy leads to a loss of confidence and poor results. The Respected Salesperson changes their own mind and rewrites the stereotype of sales before
they head out to change other people’s minds. With proven methodologies, strategies and entertaining stories, Arishma shares her blueprint for success by restoring the power balance in salesperson/customer relationships.
“The missing ingredient in achieving sustainable success is Respect.” - Arishma Singh

How to use your mind to redefine your true worth
Arishma reveals, excavates and celebrates the feminine power known in the East as ‘Shakti’ with a one-of-a-kind presentation that will challenge your thinking.Examining the key traits that unlock the power within, Arishma explains why so many women are holding ourselves back from realising our potential and reaching the highs we know we are capable of. Walking the audience through a fresh perspective on the concepts of resilience, responsibility and respect, she shows women how to break free from generations worth of barriers to restore an internal sense of equality. Inspiring, empowering and emotional, this keynote presentation leaves audiences feeling like they “can become their own wonder woman”, and “go for their own dreams”(client testimonials).
“The external struggle for equality has been won in many ways. It is the internal struggle that still remains to be won.” – Arishma Singh

Services Offered Set Up Requirements

Virtual events: Arishma has professional home livestream set up for high quality online presentations
In person events: Arishma can provide her own sound system and videographer for live events

Set List

Refer to the Mind your Mind video or the keynote video above for example of showreel and content production


Workshops and keynotes can be tailored as per client needs

Insurance & Permits

Public liability