Singer in Gympie, QLD
- Travels up to 100 km
- From $100 to $500
Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Tap your toes and sing along with award winning musician Keith Gall as he plays some classic Aussie favourites.
Come on a journey in song through our colonial past to present day.
From Botany Bay to the Dusty Dimentina, from Galipolli to the Snowy River.
Enjoy Keiths humorous and moving renditions of some of this countries greatest classics, and the popular Ozzy pub cover songs from the 70s and 80s. Comedy and Classic hits.
Facepainting by Daisy also available.
Steve's Public Event in Poona, Jan 2024
I found Keith to be very good, great vocal tones, crisp guitar sound, certainly worth the money..
Andrea's Event in Mount Perry, Nov 2023
Keith was fantastic, great entertainer who the whole crowd loved. Highly recommend.
More Info
A one man band, playing great sing along tunes.
These are the categories of entertainment or other services offered by Keith Gall Australiana.
All gear supplied
100 songs from traditional aussie ballards, to easy listening, to oldies, country, blues, and 70s and 80s aussie and international popular pub cover songs.
4 hour show for $350
I have $ 2 million public liability cover.