Mental Health Speaker in Wollongong, NSW
- Travels Nationwide
- From $450 to $3,500
Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Having Been Through & Witnessing Mental health, Alcohol & Drug Abuse, Domestic Violence, at the age of 6 years old.
I know first hand the devastating impact these issues can cause. Dealing with addiction and mental health is not easy, without support, having many close friends & family members taking their own life to suicide, and Passing from Alcohol Abuse & Drug Overdoses. I know more needs to be done to help support & educate people going through this devastating cycle.
Public speaking gives me that opportunity to share my story.
Talking about the issue is only part of the healing process, we need to share what we know and spread awareness to our younger generation & adults.

More Info
My Stories are Real I Have Witnessed, I Have Seen And Lived Through The Struggles of Alcohol & Drug Abuse.
I Have Wittnessed Domestic Violence, And Mental Health, I Have Also Lived It. My Speech Is About Awareness with Substance Abuse and or Mental Health, Domestic Violence, issues what to look for how to identify someone struggling the hidden truth's. How To Ask The Question Know One Wants To Ask etc Are You Suicidel, How To Listen To Someone That Needs Help And Support.
What You Can Offer Or Do For Support. Motivation, Health, Active Lifestyle, Change in mindset.
These are the categories of entertainment or other services offered by John Sanderson Overcoming Mental Health & Substance Abuse .
Chairs tables etc for Audiance.
Package price will vary depending on location, etc Closer To My Address Is Cheaper, Interstate Will Be More Expensive To Cover Costs, Travel, Accommodation etc. Audiance Size Does Not Affect Cost. My Aim Is Not To Outprice Myself But to Mearly Cover The Cost To Share My Storie To Help Others Overcome There Daily Battles And Give Others The Tools, Advice They Need To Help Those That Are In Need To Be There Voice And Ears, To Be Apart Of There Journey And Feel That They Are Being Heard.
Audience Can Be From 1 Person To 1000 People.
Paid Working With Children Check.