Master of Ceremonies in Albany, WA
- Travels up to 500 km
- From $333 to $10,000
Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
I Speak, therefore I am.
I Shine; therefore, I engage.
I Listen; therefore, I speak accordingly.
I Enjoy; therefore, I encourage others to have fun too!
As an experienced Master of Ceremonies, I assist individuals, groups, clubs & companies during a variety of Events to maximise guest engagement, their retention of information and knowledge presented, and most importantly, to enable EVERYONE to have FUN while learning, being or doing whatever it is they are doing.
Dislike speaking in front of crowds? Pick me- its right up my life-skill MC alley.
Thought you could make it happen on your own, but you now need extra hands? MC Me!
MC pulled out last minute? I'm your MC Queen Bee!

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These are the categories of entertainment or other services offered by JoanneAdele.