Wellbeing Speaker in Melbourne, VIC
- Travels Nationwide
- From $999 to $3,999
Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
After years of struggle with auto-immune condition, post-partum depression and thyroid, I understood the importance of emotional aid for health and well-being.
After helping myself heal and recover from existing conditions, I now help women understand the root cause of their dis-ease. We follow simple and yet efficient methodology called BMS - Body-Mind-Soul alignment through neuro language pattern which allows in identifying trauma and triggers that are the root cause behind any health issues.
Being an Award Winning Author, I have coached 1000+ women on their root cause for health symptoms and when women truly understand their reason, it is easy for them to reverse it.
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Women's health on a global level is detoriating...! It is my earnest desire to educate and create awareness in the world on the 'reason' or root-cause for health situations and ailments while the world otherwise focusses on fixing the diet and doing different forms of exercises.
These are the categories of entertainment or other services offered by Importance of Emotional Aid for Health.
Preferably closed room.
Will be discussed.
I do hold insurance with AON with insurance number 100000789626