Fern Black Comedian

  • Comedian in Adelaide, SA

  • Travels Statewide
  • From $180 to $3,500
  • Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Fern Black is described as Naughty & Nice!

If it is G-rated comedy then that is what you will get. She can write jokes for any function and include your workmates, staff or family in the skit.

Fern's natural ability to flow between G-rated to R-rated, adding incongruity and double-entendres remains shockingly hilarious

A 30 minute performance is only $120 - A 60 minute performance is $220

You can choose your level of comedic rudeness
Your audience will be involved
Fern has a vivacious personality and guaranteed to provide a great night of laughter & frivolity!


More Info

What to Expect

Early arrival & professionally dressed & crazy jokes!

Services Offered

These are the categories of entertainment or other services offered by Fern Black Comedian.

Set Up Requirements

PA system
& an audience ready for laughs

Set List

A joke sample sheet can be supplied