Comedian in Maylands, WA
- Travels Nationwide
- From $1,000 to $3,000
Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Hey, my name is Emo Majok and I'm a stand-up comedian based in Perth, Western Australia. I am best recognised for my appearance on the TV series Australia's Got Talent, where I received the Golden Buzzer and made it all the way to the finals.
I am an award-winning comedian, having built myself a quiet successful career in stand-up comedy. I was the 2018 state winner of Raw Comedy, a 2018 Raw Comedy national finalist, the Ultimate Funniest Comedian 2019, the 2021 Comedian of the Year (Comedy Lounge), a 2022 Australia's Got Talent finalist, and the 2023 Best Interstate Act at and Comics Lounge (Melbourne International Comedy Festival). Look forward to hearing back from you. Emo Majok.
More Info
Non stop laughter from start to finish from an Internationally recognised comedian
These are the categories of entertainment or other services offered by Emo Majok.
Microphone and Mic stand
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