Band in Wombarra, NSW
- Travels Nationwide
- From $800 to $10,000
Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Once upon a time, in 2020, The Bad Seeds and Hoodoo Gurus fell in love.
It was the special kind of love that bore fruit.
Nine months later, in the Prince of Wales maternity ward, the lovely on-call midwife named Robert Smith delivered a beautiful baby called Dirty Suits.
Dirty grew older and they started playing music for casual drinkers and diners delights.
Thank you Robert.
Love Dirty.
**Guitar, keys and drums rock out this dynamic 3 piece. An all original act with albums ta boot, check em out**
More Info
Original Music and a lot of fun. We just love what we do.
These are the categories of entertainment or other services offered by Dirty Suits.
Full PA and lighting/staging required with operator. Can be arranged by us if you need and a quote will be supplied.
Approx 2x 45min sets or can be flexible we have about 2hrs of original material.
On request.
On request