Cover Band in Illawarra, NSW
- Travels up to 100 km
- From $600 to $1,500
Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
The most dynamic and versatile Pop/Rock band. Versatile, we play a large range of music from the greatest of yesterday to the latest of today. Our repertoire comprises a diverse range of songs and also styles including classic rock icons to more laid back pieces such as Who Knew by Pink. D-OWN is a band of highly professional and extremely talented musicians . D-OWN has a commitment to perfection, that they are thoroughly entertaining audiences everywhere they perform. You won’t be disappointed !
duets, up to a 5 piece pop/rock cover band
We have a large list of song we play and people can select what we play for the event see selection on Spotify Devilz Own playlist (this image)

More Info
over 6 decades of rocking hits
These are the categories of entertainment or other services offered by Devilz Own.
contact as it is situational
Guns and Roses
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What for lol its a music enter at own risk...