Deep, Life Changing Speaker

  • Life Coach in Brisbane, QLD

  • Travels Nationwide
  • From $1,000 to $10,000
  • Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

I was a violent homeless alcoholic biker. I was in over 200 punch ups. I drank between 50 and 100 drinks per week. I turned it around and since then; I have been a gym instructor that trained over 1000 people. I’ve been a TAFE teacher that taught 1000 students. I’ve been an academic that taught 1000 university students, including living and working in China as a professor, I’ve been a recruiter that has placed 400 people in work. I’ve been a business mentor that has mentored over 1000 business owners and I started the largest business development program in Australian history. My charity has fed 5000 homeless in the past 5 years. So……..yeah.


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What to Expect

Everything will change. Business (and life) will become obvious. A lot of grey will be removed. You will have all the knowledge you need. You will take concrete steps that will set you on a superior path.

Services Offered

Set List

I can talk about my past life with all its learnings and/or I can go into business, my actual area of expertise, in a simple but extremely deep way.