Punk & Ska Band in Ravenshoe, QLD
- Travels up to 500 km
- From $300 to $500
Available on Thu Fri Sat Sun
Grungey punk sound..
Plenty of distortion and double kickin with solid bass rythym..... original songs sang loud and harsh .. attacking topics such as sugar addiction ... psychotic love .. The Manhoare and many other chaotically disturbing happenings..
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Lyrics that question the society we live in..Harsh.. fast attack..😄some pauses for a short change of pace .. ..
That goes for vocal as well...
These are the categories of entertainment or other services offered by Chaotic Disturbance.
We have own drum kit, mics and leads....instruments and P. A system
Snap me
Sweet st
Rubbish like you
Demented d system
Love his Soul
Meat meets Meat
Cycle of Violence
Demon Bitch Lover
Bin no moor
No packages..
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