Motivational Speaker in Perth, WA
- Travels Nationwide
- Starting from $3,600
Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
We spend our whole lives avoiding risk. But behaviour science shows it’s the key to instant and reliable habit formation.
This is not a tweak. It’s a paradigm shift in how people get fit, healthy, or disciplined.
My talks and workshops are described as entertaining, provocative and original. Almost every attendee takes an action towards something they want during the session. I don't inspire people. I get them to take action.
More Info
Talks can be delivered as keynotes or as workshops, where participants do an exercise that gets them into action.
Three themes:
- Instant Sales Habits - suitable for people whose income has a significant sales commission component
- Instant Motivation - suitable for a corporate audience but not focused on work motivation. This talk gives participants an experience of motivating themselves in their own lives. That may be lifestyle changes, study discipline, hobbies or exercise/dietary changes
- Instant Exercise - for an audience principally interested in weight loss or doing regular exercise
These are the categories of entertainment or other services offered by Bret Treasure.
I do not require AV.
Works better with a whiteboard.