• School Speaker in Perth, WA

  • Travels Nationwide
  • Starting from $697
  • Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Miss Mindset left high school feeling LOST.
In the process of 'finding herself' she traded the law firm for the classroom and found her passion.

An unusual combination of emotional and hilarious, Miss Mindset works with teens, parents and teachers to unlock potential, create confidence and build meaningful human connection through emotional intelligence and resilience.

More Info

What to Expect

Breanna has a range of seminars, workshops and programs which can be adapted to suit your school's or company's unique context and requirements.

Services Offered Set Up Requirements

Seating, audio and a projector screen.

Set List

Building Body Confidence
Social Media Health
Year 12 and Beyond
Goal Setting and Achieving
Healthy Relationships
Managing Emotions

Building Rapport to Improve Sales
Building Rapport for Classroom Management