Brad Marshall - The Unplugged Psychologist

  • Motivational Speaker in Sydney, NSW

  • Travels Nationwide
  • Starting from $5,000
  • Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Brad Marshall AKA The Unplugged Psychologist has spent over a decade at the cutting edge of healthy screen use.
Brad is an internationally published author, researcher, clinician, and speaker. It’s Brad’s clinical experience that sets him apart from other speakers in the field. While others speak about research & hypotheticals, he delivers from a place of real-world experience. Brad is an accomplished speaker in corporate, education & healthcare settings. Brad uses his clinical & research experience to deliver interactive & vibrant keynote and workshop sessions. He is passionate about cutting through the “psycho-babble” jargon to help participants take home real world actions.


More Info

What to Expect

Brad Marshall AKA The Unplugged Psychologist has spent over a decade at the cutting edge of healthy screen use. But don’t be confused by the name, Brad is NOT anti-technology.

Brad is an accomplished speaker in corporate, education and healthcare settings. Brad uses his clinical and research experience to deliver interactive and vibrant keynote and workshop sessions. He is passionate about cutting through the “psycho-babble” jargon to help participants take home real world actions.

Brad is an internationally published author, researcher, clinician, and speaker. It’s Brad’s clinical experience that sets him apart from other speakers in the field of healthy tech use. While others speak about research and hypotheticals, he delivers from a place of real-world experience.

Bachelor of Arts- Psychology (Macquarie University)
Master of Behavioural Science (University of Sydney)
Master of Research (Macquarie University)
PhD Candidate (Macquarie University)

Brad authored ‘The Tech Diet for your Child & Teen; The 7-step plan to regain your kid’s childhood (and your Family’s Sanity)’ which has now been published in over a dozen countries worldwide, by HarperCollins. ‘The Tech Diet for your Child & Teen’ provides real-life strategies that any parent can implement to create a healthy balance and put your kids’ development first. Based on solid psychological research explaining why screen addiction is so powerful, his jargon-free advice gives a clear plan for parents who have had enough and are serious about changing the way their kids use and interact with technology.

Brad is the Director of the Screens and Gaming Disorder Clinic (Sydney), the first clinic of its kind established in the country over a decade ago. In his clinic Brad and his team help children, young people and families impacted by Internet Gaming Disorder and problematic screen use.

Services Offered Set Up Requirements

Microphone, HDMI, Projector, Screen

Set List



- The Sustainable Tech Diet
- The Tech Diet for Professionals
- The Tech Diet for Parents
- The Tech Diet for Students
- The Tech Diet for Staff
- The Tech Diet for Educators
- The Tech Diet for Teachers

Insurance & Permits