Bagpiper of Distinction

  • Bagpiper in Cairns, QLD

  • Travels Nationwide
  • From $350 to $750
  • Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Experienced piper who has played all over the world in various Military Tattoos, multiple weddings and funerals. Currently Pipe Major of Cairns RSL Pipes and Drums, Solo piper for Cairns Anzac Day Ceremony and Cairns Police Remembrance Day.



Debbie's Funeral or Memorial Service in Gordonvale, Mar 2025

We were happy with the bagpiper

More Info

What to Expect

I can play for any event or ceremony. Large or very small. I can play any pipe tune requested if sufficient notice is given. I can wear full military dress right through to more casual kilt and shirt. I can perform for highland dancers too. I can play along with brass bands or rock bands and have played with Andre Reau, Lee Kernigan and many other rock and folk bands.

Services Offered

These are the categories of entertainment or other services offered by Bagpiper of Distinction.

Set Up Requirements

Just need about 15 minutes prior to performing for tuning.

Set List

NO set lists, but can play any Scottish or Irish tune you require with sufficient notice.
I have about 200 tunes in my repertoire at any given time.


I can also arrange my whole pipe band if required. Local performances for the whole band commence at $600.

Insurance & Permits

Not required.