Bag Lady Mama - motivational speaker & author

  • Motivational Speaker in Adelaide, SA

  • Travels Nationwide
  • Starting from $2,000
  • Available on Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Diagnosed with Crohns Disease at 15 years old and a homeless teen. Bowel resection and a permanent ileostomy (like a colostomy bag) at 22 years old, I reclaimed by life and my body. I started a blog 3 years ago which has organically amassed 50K in followers. Instead of talking about life unrealistically, I talk about life and what its really like with a bowel disease and a ostomy- the good, the bad, the ugly all while empowering and encouraging strength and self awareness.
I’m also excited to say that my first ever co-authored book, Rising Matriarch, will be published as of Mother’s Day 2021!

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